Sunday, February 13, 2011

All You Knit is Love

The Eugene Knotty Knitters completed their fourth yarn bombing today. We've been working on this project since December. It's our biggest, flashiest, most public bombing and we've been so excited.

We knew we wanted to do something for Valentine's Day. We all need more love and more art in our lives. ALL YOU KNIT IS LOVE. Perfect. We chose to tag a fence, inspired by The Ladies Fancywork Society. There were only a few fences in Eugene that seemed to work, but the one in front of the public library was desperately needing some love. This fence protects a giant hole in the ground. A building that was tore down and then abandoned.

We all knit, crocheted or sewed letters for the fence plus made tokens of love- flowers, hearts, knitted knitting needles. We had a great time installing our art piece. During the process, a reporter for our newspaper happened upon us. So while we do try to be discreet we did end up being photographed and Maiya was interviewed.

Please enjoy our gift to you Eugene! Be cool. Please do not remove art. Check out more photos on our flickr page.

If you want us to decorate your area or to sponsor our next bombing, please contact us at