Saturday, June 9, 2012

International Yarn Bombing Day 2012

Today marks the second annual International Yarn Bombing Day! Knitters, crocheters and fiber artists from around the world celebrate knit graffiti by going out and decorating a public space. See what we did last year for IYBD.

This year we did three things, we yarn bombed the Acorn Park Little Free Library, the office of the Eugene Saturday Market and our downtown public library.

First up, Eugene is finally getting their first Little Free Library at Acorn Park. This is so exciting. I love it when neighborhoods get together and create something wonderful. Their grand opening is tomorrow so we decorated their fence with little knit and crocheted flowers.

Then we head to downtown Eugene to the office of the Saturday Market. We recently found out that the last door cozy we made for them had disappeared so it was time for a new one! I made them a bouquet of red roses.

Lastly, we had made nearly 75 little trinkets and hid them throughout the shelves and books in the downtown public library. A little like geo-caching, a little like an Easter egg hunt. We hoped that patrons searching for that perfect book would randomly stumble across our little tokens of love. Some were hidden with specific intent, some were just hidden in random areas. If you find one, please keep it but let us know! We'd love to hear what you found.

You can view more photos on our flickr page, and keep in contact with us through facebook.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mad Hatter Tea Party

Eugene Storefront Art Project is a great organization here in Eugene and Springfield.  From their site, they're mission statement:

-To place short term exhibits in empty Lane County storefronts while beautifying downtown areas and allowing artists a unique canvas.

-To promote new art and improving the quality of life while creating an artistic environment and making vacant properties more desirable.

- To facilitate happenings and events in vacant storefronts, urban spaces and community oriented businesses featuring the work of artists in different media, such as visual art, performance and music.

-To develop ways to use empty buildings as a temporary studio space available to artists until rented.

So when ESAP asked us to be a part of a installation theme Color Hungry, we jumped at the chance.  We were inspired by the color in Alice in Wonderland and thought a tea party would look great.  We knitted and crocheted blankets, doilies, fruit, flowers, edibles, vases and chairs!  Most pieces are for sale, if interested please contact us at knittingknotty at

Our installation is currently up at 402 Main St., Springfield, Oregon if you have a chance to stop by and view it for yourself.

Please visit ESAP on facebook to keep up to date on more artist projects and see photos of the other Color Hungry installations.

You can view more Eugene Knotty Knitters photos on our flickr.