The Knotty Knitters need your help! We're embarking on a project and we need lots of second-hand sweaters. Were you just thinking of giving your old winter sweaters away to a thrift store? Give them to us instead! Wool, cotton, acrylic, hand knit, store bought, any color, any size!! Or please donate some money so we can head to the thrifty and buy some.
You can email us at with any questions or details. Thank you!
It was a success! So many great pieces were created for the bridge! Pom poms, flags, a salmon, a snake, spirals and lots of cozies! The biggest cozy is over 50 feet long.
Every single person who walked by had a positive thing to say. They loved it and thanked us for decorating the bridge.
There were a few questions that I'd like to answer. Who removes it? We do! We continuously check on our yarn bombs and do any repairs or remove any pieces that start to look dingy or are too destroyed to keep. We try very hard to prevent any litter or trash. The city of Eugene has not spent any money or time cleaning up our installations.
How is your graffiti different than traditional graffiti? Why don't you get in trouble? I suppose the difference is that you can remove knitted graffiti in a matter of seconds with a pair of scissors. And also I think people respond better to public art that's knitted because it's surprising to them. They don't expect it and that usually makes them laugh. For us, the removal of our graffiti is no different that using a hose to erase sidewalk chalk art.
Why don't you spend all that time, effort and yarn knitting for charities instead of wasting it on yarn bombs? Most of us do donate to charities. But we're also artists. Art for art sake. To ask someone to spend any and all free creative time for a specific purpose is silly. When you want to bake a cake, do you bake it for yourself or is your first thought to spend your time and ingredients baking for a food bank? Besides, we've been told what we're doing is a public service by people and the city of Eugene.
We're very excited for International Yarn Bombing Day! Only 9 more days! We've been busy knitting and crocheting and there are some amazing pieces.
This is just a little note about the plan to install it. We'll be meeting on Saturday, June 11th at 5pm at the Peter DeFazio bridge in Alton Baker Park. Feel free to come, bring art to install or take pictures. Afterward we plan to head over to McMenamins North Bank for beer and food. Come celebrate in this international event with us!
The KKers welcome new people to our craft nights! Bring your project and yourself for some company and cupcakes. All meetings are held at The Divine Cupcake from 6:30-8:00pm unless otherwise noted.